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How to use Matomo On-Premise with SEOPress Free


  • PHP 7.2.5 or greater
  • PHP modules (enabled by default, ask your host if necessary):  pdo and pdo_mysql, or the mysqli extension
  • MySQL version 5.5 or greater, or MariaDB
  • SEOPress Free version 5.7 min

Install Matomo On-Premise on your own server

The first step is to install Matomo on your server by following the official documentation. It’s pretty easy with their installation wizard, and very similar to the WordPress one.

The only important thing to note: in step number 7 of the wizard, don’t worry about adding the tracking code. Just skip this step to complete the installation.

Matomo On-Premise wizard step 7
Matomo On-Premise wizard step 7

Use SEOPress with the self-hosted version of Matomo

Now you have installed Matomo, go to your WordPress admin of the site you want to track visitors with Matomo.

Make sure SEOPress is installed and activated (version 5.7 is required).

Then go to SEO, Analytics, Matomo tab.

Check these two options:

  • Enable Matomo tracking
  • Yes, self-hosted installation

Enter the URL where Matomo is installed to Enter your tracking ID  field, eg:

Matomo settings - SEOPress
Matomo settings – SEOPress

Finally enter your site ID. To find it, go to your Matomo administration, click Settings (wheel icon from the top right corner of the screen), Websites, and Manage.

From the websites list, copy and paste your ID.

Find my site ID in Matomo
Find my site ID in Matomo

Save changes.

Clear your cache if necessary.

That’s it!

Test your tracking code

By using another browser or private browsing, navigate on your site then check from Matomo dashboard, Real time page if anything is working as expected.

If the user consent is enabled from SEO, Analytics, Cookie bar / GDPR tab, make sure to click the Accept button too.