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Find my Microsoft Clarity Project ID

What is Microsoft Clarity?

Microsoft Clarity is a totally free tool, without limitation, to capture recording sessions of your users’ actions, generate heatmaps (hot / cold areas on your pages), and detect, thanks to the various metrics offered, the design elements that pose problem within your WordPress site.

The goal is simple: improve the user experience to maximize your conversions (eg your sales).

Create a Microsoft Clarity account

Go to the official MS Clarity website then log in using a Microsoft, Google or Facebook account.

Create a Microsoft Clarity project

Once logged into the Clarity dashboard, click on the Add new project button.

microsoft clarity add projectMicrosoft Clarity - Add a new project
Microsoft Clarity – Add a new project

Enter a name, the URL of your WordPress site, then select a category and validate.

Microsoft Clarity - Create a new project
Microsoft Clarity – Create a new project

Your new project then appears in the dashboard.

Click the gear icon to access project settings.

From the Overview tab, copy the project ID.

Microsoft Clarity - Find its Project ID
Microsoft Clarity – Find its Project ID

Integrating Microsoft Clarity into your WordPress site with SEOPress

Finally, log in to your WordPress administration.

Go to SEO, Analytics, Clarity tab, then paste the project ID in the appropriate field.

Save changes.

Add your Microsoft Clarity project ID in SEOPress
Add your Microsoft Clarity project ID in SEOPress
Note that the tracking script will be automatically added in the <head> tag of your source code respecting the user role exclusion settings and the cookie / user consent bar.